Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Merokok 2019

Merokok ditempat awam terutamanya restaurant memang cukup sinonim kerana kita telah terkebiasa sejak dulu lagi.
Langkah mengharamkan merokok di restaurant bermula 2019 amat tepat kearah menyediakan persekitaran yang bebas asap rokok. Ini dapat menghindarkan bahaya asap rokok kepada bukan perokok. Sepatutnya sensiviti perokok perlulah lebih terhadap persekiratan, terutamanya etika semasa merokok dan ini termasuk juga bagi vape.
Mereka perlu peka sebelum merokok perlu pastikan tiada bayi disekeliling, arah tiupan angin, jarak dengan orang yang berada disekeliling dan elakkan sesekali menghembus asap secara keterlaluan sehinggakan berkabus.
Kerajaan juga perlu kuat kuasakan undang - undung yang lebih mesra perokok dengan menyediakan tempat khas bagi perokok sebagaimana di luarnegara ataupun Airport yang utama di luarnegara. Sebagaimana comtoh dikorea, perokok hanya boleh merokok sekiranya terdapat ruang garisan hijau sahaja di kaki lima dan sekiranya kita merokok di luar garisan tersebut, bersedialah untuk dihalau atau ditegur oleh penduduk tempatan. Disiplin serta nilai etika yang diterapkan disana amat baik dan pembentukkan sahsiah diri mereka amat berjaya.
Sehinggalah etika bagi perokok dapat di implementkan, maka peruturan merokok ditempat awam dirasakan ada kewajarannya.

IPOH: The Health Ministry will ban smoking at restaurants from Jan 1 despite opposition from eatery owners.

Deputy Health Minister Dr Lee Boon Chye said should there be a problem, the ministry was always open to hold a dialogue with any party to solve it.

“We have held a dialogue before with restaurant operators and the sessions have been ongoing in all states,” he told a press conference today after attending a gotong-royong at Kampung Rapat Jaya Tambahan, here.

“We understand their problem, but this effort must go on and I know there are many people out there who support this move.”

It was reported recently that more than 20,000 eatery owners belonging to the Malaysia-Singapore Coffee Shop Proprietors General Association, Malaysian Muslim Restaurant Owners Association and Malaysian Indian Restaurant Owners Association were against the ministry’s move to ban smoking in food premises.

Dr Lee said there would be no U-turn on the ban because smoking not only harmed smokers, but also produced secondhand, which harmed non-smokers.

“We notice that there are a number of younger generation smokers and the trend is increasing,” he said.

“The ministry is looking at this trend seriously. Should we fail to control it now, it will be hard to control the problem in the future.

“Malaysia also inked an agreement with the World Health Organisation Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in 2005, in which we will be a smoke-free country in 2045. So, the move must start now.”

In early September, Dr Lee said anyone caught breaching the smoking ban would face a fine of RM10,000, while eateries that failed to enforce the law would be slapped with a fine of RM2,500.


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